

I am an Astronomer at the Paris Observatory in charge of the direction of the LERMA, the « Laboratoire d’Etude de la Matière et du Rayonnement en Astrophysique et Atmosphères ».

My research is on galaxy formation and evolution. I am particularly interested in Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs) and the mechanisms of star formation and AGN feedback.

I developped an expertise in Radio-Astronomy in the millimeter and sub-millimeter domain, in order to probe the cold interstellar medium via molecules and dust observations.

Proposition Internship Master 2 (2021) : Molecular gas in Super Spiral Galaxies

Proposition PhD (2021-2024) : Molecular gas in Super Spiral Galaxies

  • PI of the ANR  LYRICS : «Gas Life CYcle around Galaxies : ORIgin and State of Cold Accretion Streams »

  • co-I of the Paris Observatory MINERVA Project : MachINe lEarning for Radioastronomy at the obserVatoire de pAris.